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Masturbation-What does the Bible say?=>Read

Does the Bible say that masturbation is a sin?
Masturbation: A Sin for Christians?

An answer to the oft-asked
question of if masturbation is a sin
for believers in Christ Jesus, and
what the scriptures teach
concerning it.
1Cor 4:6 (Wey) .. in order to teach you by our example what those
words mean, which say, "Nothing
beyond what is written!"...
The Scripture is strangely silent
about this universal issue, while
not shy about all sorts of other sexual situations and perversions...
in great detail concerning sex with
animals, etc. Yet the Bible says
nothing about masturbation. This
is odd, don't you think? Some, mistakenly, cite Onan in Gen
38:9 as suggesting that
masturbation is a sin. In fact,
"onanism" has become a synonym
for masturbation. But this is
obviously an error, and a rather daft one at that. We know what
Onan did, for it is spelled out for us
in lurid detail; and we know why it
was a sin: he was maliciously using
and cheating Tamar in way that
was wrong. In any case, what Onan was doing was certainly not
masturbating, and you have to be
pretty dimwitted to miss this. In fact, there is no place in
scripture where masturbation is
even mentioned, much less
forbidden. This is a very odd
situation since it is so common a
human experience, and given that scripture speaks of other sexual
sins (some fairly perverse and
rare) without any shyness at all. Since scripture does not forbid
masturbation directly, neither
should Christians in general.
"Nothing beyond what is written"
in terms of how we should help
lead others to the Lord is the rule. But since you asked, or clicked, as
the case may be, we will give you
the best answer we can using what
we do know from scripture as our
guide. We should stick to
emphasizing the things God has told us are important, and not be
teaching things that the Lord has
never expressed His opinion on. To be sure, it is clear from
Scripture that illicit sexual
fantasies are forbidden, and this is
a significant issue with
masturbation. Matt 5:28-29 (NIV) [Jesus:] "But I
tell you that anyone who looks at
a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery with her in his
heart. If your right eye causes you
to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose
one part of your body than for
your whole body to be thrown
into hell."
But what if no illicit fantasies are
included in masturbation? Is the act then sinful? By scripture, there
is nothing to indicate that it is.
Specifically, if the act is done
merely as a hedge against
temptation and as the body
requires then there is no need for the above sinful "crutches". This is
hardly exciting, and a rote act of
keeping the body in submission. It
cannot be done often, as the body
is not that demanding if left alone
by a perverted imagination. On the other hand, if we attempt a
pent-up self-sex life, then we find
that the body needs help from the
soul through illicit fantasies, and
then sin is clearly being
committed. I hope this is clear. Were it not for
our perverted imaginations and
lustful sense of expectation, our
bodies would not cause us much
trouble. It is our minds and hearts
that need "treatment". It is like rev-ing an engine near red-line at
every traffic signal, and all the
time it is running, and then
complaining about the eventual
engine failure. Sure the thing can
rev, but not all the time. It was not made for that. Below is a brief
summary of some of the
issues dealing with this subject. I hope it
might help. This is one of those hot buttons
on which there is a great deal of
disagreement and what is given here by no
means touches all the bases. Summary: The Bible no where specifically
forbids or denounces masturbation. It does,
of course, denounce all forms of sexual
impurity and fantasies that would involve
adulterous relationships whether actual or
mental. The problem with masturbation is that it not only can become
habit forming and
addictive, but men and women often engage
in pornography and adulterous fantasies in
order to reach a climax. Further, the
difference in sex drive in a couple is often
not the real problem or issue. It is rather a breakdown in the
relationship and in an
understanding of the role of sex in marriage
as that which not only gives pleasure but
expresses love, unity, and commitment to
each other. Masturbation expresses the
opposite unless done with the other partner. The husband may
experience orgasm with
his wife without actual intercourse. If away
from his wife and he is experiencing strong
sexual desire and he can have an orgasm by
thinking about his wife, etc. then that could
be appropriate. More Detail: As mentioned, the Bible does not
directly address the issue of masturbation or
deliberate self-stimulation of the sexual
organ to the point of orgasm. It does warn
against all forms of self-indulgence, adultery
of the mind, and fornication. One of the problems involved is that though God
created sex for enjoyment and pleasure, it is
to be confined to the marriage relationship
because it is also designed to express love
(not just sexual love), unity, and total
commitment. Masturbation is an act of self- gratification rather than
a part of giving
gratification and pleasure to one's partner.
Here are a few of the dangers of
masturbation that some have listed: 1. Psychic effects. Masturbation has a
tendency to isolate its captives
psychologically and socially. In
masturbation, the person is focused on self-
alone even though he or she usually is
fantasizing about someone else at the same time. 2. Emotional
deprivation. It is impossible for
the one who is practicing this habit to
experience the full extent of sex emotions.
Therefore, in short-circuiting the emotions
one can easily be removed from the world
of reality. 3. Damaged sensibility. The habit of
masturbation has a tendency in numbing the
mechanism of the sexual organs if practiced
excessively. This lessens the sensibility and
thus detracts from normal sexual relations
of married life. 4. Self-gratification. The emotional
background of self-gratification is not the
least bit healthy and usually militates
against the home, wife and family because it
is focused only on self. 5. Control of the mind. Along with the act of
masturbation comes the fantasy of the mind.
When practiced often, a pattern or cycle
seems to become established within the
individual's mind. Thus, perversion has a
tendency to control the mind and this in turn initiates the act. The
real danger lies in the
guilt that increases as the individual dwells
in this world of fantasy. Much more could be said, but this will give
you a few things to think about. There are
plenty of theologians and pastors, etc., that I
am sure would disagree with my comments
on this, but some things for consideration.

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