Marriage, Love and Divorce

Marriage, Love and Divorce

Message to the women folks!
Topic: Marriage
Sub-topic: Love
Questionnaire: should love in marriage be eqaul on the part of both couples?
Considered answer: No
Back-up: Man in every part of the human continent is a dominant being,
the fact is that, it is not mystical but I am of the opinion that that
is how the Creator has created it(him).
Man (Adam) was the first created human being after which the woman
(Eve) was created to be a helper to him, now we're learning that a man
should first have know of the woman. In other words, man should
develop love for the woman and not the woman igniting the fire of
love, it is the man's responsibility to do that!
A woman shoud be served and adored and honoured by man, but if the
reverse happens to be the case, then there will be no peace in the
Therefore, every woman has to be courteous and wait for that man
who'll do the aforementioned. As ego driven as a man is, he would like
to be worshipped and reverend, I am not deviating from the truth but
as a matter of fact, his love should be responded to with those good
qualities that a virtous woman could/should portray in the home.
We have many cases of divorce in our contemporary world. Many factors
there are that contribute to it, but one factor could put an end to
it(divorce). What is the factor? It is lack of unconditional love
coming from the man, in a nutshell, man as the head of the home always
considers the woman as beneath, below or behind him, so he thinks she
is not up to him and therefore, supression will set in, BUT, if the
man loves the woman without the thought of doing her a favour, he must
worship her not minding the gravity of the wife's irresponsibilities
and shortcomings. What then am I saying, through that, the so called
divorce will be averted 'cause it is never an end to marital plight!
(to be continued...)

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