Effective leadership Pills II

LEADERSHIP is a very critical factor in the success of any group whether it be a family, organisation, company or nation. The failure of leadership is the major reason most groups are in a bad shape today.

If we are leaders, we must ensure we are effective, To be effective means to be successful and working in a way that was intended; having or getting the desired results accomplished. Leadership, therefore, is effective if it is working in the way intended and it gets the desired results accomplished. This means for leadership to be effective there must be predetermined purpose/intentions/ results which ideally should be encapsulated in the call of the leader, his schedule of duties and the corporate vision.

A leader is effective when he properly and accurately executes the essence and purpose of his being called to be a leader. The effective leader understands, agrees with, flows with and executes the corporate vision. He knows and carries out his duties in line with his schedule of duties and the corporate goals, aims and objectives. An effective leader is an agent whose duty is to carry out the purpose for which the organisation exists. When purpose is not executed the leader has failed. Without purpose the leader has nowhere he is leading his followers to. Purpose is the essence and the core reason leadership exists for. When a leader does not understand the purpose of his being a leader he risks wasting time, energy and resources in doing the wrong things.

Leadership can never be effective without an effective team. An effective leader, must, of necessity recruit, train and have an effective team. A leader cannot be a lone ranger, he must be a team leader.

Some of the critical attributes of an effective leader will include accountability to God, the corporate body, and the people. A leader who is not accountable will run wild and cause more harm than good. He must be seen to be faithful before God and man. He must meet both human and divine standards of faithfulness. He must be a man of integrity of heart and actions.

An effective leader has a good reputation. He is well spoken of by people because of the quality of his work and his excellent relationship with people. He is a role model. He epitomises what a leader should be and people should want to emulate him.

A leader cannot be effective if he is not result oriented. He must be competent and be able to get things done. The whole essence of leadership is to get things done. If a leader does not get things done, then surely he is incompetent and the only honourable thing to do is to resign. A leader has no excuse for incompetence or for not getting results. The buck ends at the leader's table – he takes the glory of success and also the shame of non performance. An effective leader never makes excuses for his lapses or his failure – he takes full responsibility.

Excellence is a hallmark of effective leaders. They are known for doing a good job each time. In fact, they get better per time. They understand that today's excellence is tomorrow's mediocrity. They set high standards for their followers and they insist things have to be done properly. When leadership is effective things get done.

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