Seven Keys to Building a Lasting Relationship

Relationship to people mean different things to them. It exists in every facet of life, human existence is dependent of the kind of relationship kept.

To a social psychologist, relationship could mean the social interaction between two or more individuals. This coming together is based on the mutual interest and understanding they share which will definitely propel or serve as fuel to gear up their movement toward achieving their set goals.

Be it business or inter-personal relationship, erecting an unshakable firewall around a relationship is incumbent on the parties involved. Heating up a relationship is easier said than done anyway, but this should be noted from the onset as it will give the both parties their separate lines of contribution towards the success of such a deal.

Without much ado, let's us quickly look into the various ways we can build a long lasting relationship.

Seven Keys to Building a Lasting Relationship

1. Definition: This should be the first consideration. Here, several questions need to be asked, like; "who are you?" "Who am I?" "What do we stand to gain from this relationship?" Etc. These questions should be asked and answered before signing up for any kind of relationship at all. Many dived into relationship anyhow and they end up losing instead of gaining. So to build a lasting relationship that would be the envy of others, first of all define it.
"Whichever level you are now, it's never too early or too late to halt and give that relationship a definition".

2. Do not think of changing. The worst thing that can happen to any relationship is when the parties involved try to change each other's line of attitude and action. Assimilation can be very perfect here as it goes a long way to prevent hurting feelings. Accept him or her just as the way he or she is.

3. Trust: The failures of the past should not be used against each other or one another as the case may be. No matter the gravity of offence, if there is understanding, then, it should kill down any form of grudge.

4. Motivation is a key! How motivated are you in your relationship? Does it propel you? Motivation is key! Are you moved to do the things you were normally unable to do? Daily inspiration would spark up a relationship and bring out the best in you.

5. Cultivate good communication skills. Don't be rude, always be courteous, welcoming and assimilative. Try to bring out the best in every speech, bury every demoralizing statement. Instead of blowing up the trumpet as "Hey, that was stupid!" You rather use something like, "I thought you could be a little bit better".

6. Before you condemn, first of all show gratitude! The worst criminal downtown would not like it if you tell him he was a criminal. The spirit of man does not accept condemnation, or unnecessary judgment or criticism, "you did this, you did that" he/or she would not like you for that! A statement like this could be endearing: "I know you're a good man, and have always been nice, but what you did in the restaurant was wrong!" With that, you would hear something like, "yes I know, I was wrong, but am sorry" cheers!

7. Be a good conflict manager. Learn how to manage conflicts. As different individuals with separate opinions about life and situations, you should go ahead to profer solutions to the problem, at this time, your partner is not the best tool to be used to tackle the challenge. Attack the issue and not your partner! Resolve it and move on.

The above seven (7) keys can be used to build a strong relationship! You know about other ways? Please share with us in the comment box.

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