Significance of Bridal Veil: The Collapsed System and The Way Forward

Hey there,

Today on socialetherapy blog, I'm updating you on an all important issue of the significance of 'bridal veil. The veil has so many significance that are traced down to various roots. Follow me as we unveil the mystery, significance, importance and how the purpose has been defeated.

First of all, let's know what a veil is. A bridal veil is more an accessory to the traditional white or cream bridal dress, but it has a long history behind it. While it signified different things to different cultures it was generally intended to cover the bride's face so it remained hidden till appropriately unveiled. In some cultures the groom got to see his bride's face only after they were wed. In others only the groom got to see the bride's face and no one else.

Traditionally, the bridal veil is traced to the era when veil was also used to hide the bride's face as a demonstration of her modesty before God or to suggest the passage from virginal maidenhood to marriage. In some cultures the veil was a protection used to ward off evils spirits. Bridal veils might also date back to ancient Greece and Rome where marriages were arranged. To safeguard the bride and ensure the marriage took place veils were used to conceal the bride's face just in case the groom didn't like her looks and call the wedding off. So the bride didn't reveal her face till her wedding day.

Unfortunately today, what we have is breath taking. The bridal veil no longer serve its purpose as womanhood is mal-handled by both men and women. From the above explanation of the bridal veil we have there, do we still have that purpose being nurtured? Have our women not gone out if place, have they not gone out of the path?

If you must know, chastity is no longer cultural but alien to our people, the fertility of our women is put under test before going to the alter. Have you not seen our ladies mounting the alter with protruded stomach? Maybe it's 'ona' that is in there. Right? Hell No!

The Way Forward
The error must be corrected. It starts from you, it starts from me. If we must have a generation that is unstained. A society devoid of immorality and lust, we have to stand up and do the right thing by correcting the anomaly. Yes we must do it. Are you going to do it? Sure, because it worth it.

Please share your opinion and thoughts with us.

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