Top Seven Secrets To Living a Happy Life

Life's a race! And as we run this race, there are times we become fed up with life and we almost get to conclude that life's bitter and we can no longer move on, by this time, we have taken the next step to giving up on ourselves. 

We live in a society where things are not all right. A life of continual struggle and feeling of unfulfilled life always puts us in a situation of dejection and deprivation, but here today I come with good news for you!
I'll be discussing Top seven Secrets to Living a Happy Life!!! This is our major mindset of all of us in Socialetherapy Blog

Below are the top seven secrets...

1. Laugh and smile. Laughter and smiles are scientifically proven to have health benefits. Don't just wait around for things that will make you laugh and smile, seek them out. Smile as often as you can, even if you're not in the mood. Nothing works better like a good mood. Try as much as possible to put elegant smiles all the time.

2. Never stop learning. Learning is a continuous process. The day you stop learning is the day you cease to live. Even if you're done with formal schooling and training you don't have to hang up and call it a day. Keep pushing yourself to learn new things, whether it's a skill like trying out new sport or a musical instrument, this will put in a situation of constant living with a purpose.

3. Keep your legacy in mind. Purposeful living is an ideal thing we all need to do. A purposeless life is a life of doom, waking up each day and not knowing what you're living for, this condition itself brings pain and emotional trauma. Leaving a legacy is something we all do, it just depends on the size and scale of it. What will yours be? What do you want it to be? Take a long view of your life as a whole and decide on steps today that will help get you there.

4. Stamp out regrets. There's no point in regretting things that have already happened, you were just doing the best you could with the information you had at the time. Make it your mission to live in the present and live in a way that leaves you regret-free.

5. Get a clear vision of what you want. In order to have a full and happy life you have to know what you want. How else will you know if you have it unless you know what it looks like. Keep that picture in your mind as often as you can and it will be drawn to you like a magnet.

6. Always have a goal to strive for. The one thing they don't tell you in goal books is what to do when you reach that goal. The answer is to come up with a new goal and start going for that. Don't rest on your laurels, broaden your horizon and never get satisfied on present oars. Get out there and go for something even bigger than what you've already accomplished! Did you get that?

7. Above all, get defined. Self definition is an all important adventure. In defining yourself, you have to be positive about and let your definition be based on what your purpose of being alive is. This is why I have stressed above that everyone has to live a life of purpose.

We have outlined above the seven top secrets to living a successful and happy life.
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