The Degenerating Society versus the Proliferation of Churches in the World

We've heard from time immemorial that "Change" is constant. That is, it will continue to occur so long as there is life.

Should church also be changing its style perhaps to fit into the changing times?

Why is this up?
Church is not just the building; it is the people in it, agreed! The world is not just the universe; but the people in it, agreed too.

Now the world is changing, most ways of life of people have overtime experienced change, this has often been cited to be the best as compared to the ones of old.

These are the people who make up the church, is there any possibility then, to have a changing world and not to have a changing church? The answer is outrightly NO! The church must change too.

But then, the church can still be firm on the principles of Holiness. I think, where the problem comes in is when the church becomes too permissive to the point of becoming worldly and the people on their part become so churchy, comparatively, these two waring parties can never be compatible. Never!

The way forward:
The church should be a place where Holiness thrives and people know the truth that saves and live by it. The church too should not be permissive to some extent; such are the areas of:
Inter-personal relationships
Bible principles
Examination and
General/universal principles of life and living.

You should know of other areas your church should not be permissive. Please tell us in the comments.
If these areas are given adequate checks, the church will turn out to become a better place to live.
The church then will proliferate and the world will no longer degenerate! Oh how I want a world with people who are not just religious but pious!
More closely:
Now between you and God, how do you relate with Him? Or how is your relationship with Him? God is not bothered about how you relate with your world, but He is BOTHERED about how you allow the world to influence you, whether positive or negative!

What's this article all about?
Socialetherapy is concerned and burdened with ensuring a consistent life that is geared towards living a more purposeful in a degenerating world. 

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2 Responses to "The Degenerating Society versus the Proliferation of Churches in the World"

  1. Nice article, I'm of the opinion that this one will definitely change the world. Keep it up!

    1. Yea, dear anonymous reader, that's our expectation. As a matter of fact, change begins with us. Thanks for your time and stay blessed.
